Joe Daley

Echolocation - Mendoza Hoffs Revels

The Wisdom of Improvisation
In improvisation, at its best, we have rigorous self-determination and radical support of others' development and expression in a paradigm that conceives and wields power as love. That’s a powerfully instructive metaphor for how to be together on a planet

Roshambo: Culture over Technology and Commerce
“…we saw that Culture can beat Technology and in turn, Technology can beat Commerce.
But it was not long before Commerce would fight back. And in able pursuit of its highest value – profit maximization – Commerce inevitably began to suppress Culture. Then, Commerce seized the power of Technology in order to increase productivity, improve efficiency, and scale to ever larger markets.”

Transformation of a Space
..”How do I choose to relate to the audience? I came of age in an era when artists like Miles Davis, Cecil Taylor, and Ornette Coleman didn't introduce their band members or even speak to the audience –for that matter, neither did many rock bands of the day. By the late sixties, this type of routine stage behavior was considered passé. Not just passé, but especially for African-American performers, demeaning, with unwelcome overtones connected to the showmanship expected of black entertainers of earlier eras: after all, "respectable" musical outfits like symphony orchestras didn't announce the players: there was no need to, as they were listed right there in the program. Moreover, for Ra, Taylor and the Art Ensemble, a performance was an experience in which the players assumed a kind of character role, sometimes the role of a shaman and the effect would have been diluted by having the leader essentially doubling as an M.C.”

Lessons from Ornette
“I believe that every human being should strive and try to get his ideas into the arena of survival. -Ornette Coleman
“Ornette’s harmony would end up being a melody and the original melody would end up being a harmony.” - Don Cherry

Interview with the founder
“Whatever you feel about the sins and abuses committed by the “evil, bad” 20th-century music industry, they were music companies, at least. “
Contributing to this team journal
the Loove Journal was conceived as a vehicle to explore the sheer power of art and music as a catalyst for sociopolitical change.
Works of art- and the communities and movements behind the work- inform our understanding about cognition, human potential and the fabric of reality in general.
With this in mind, as a way of serving this kind of cultural engine, we are exploring more a more sustainable design for the marketplace in creative work, serving artists, institutions and audiences alike.
We hope to share thoughts from our extended community in this space on the subject of the interaction between artists and audiences throughout this world and others- on creativity and on our moment in history.
What we're looking for:
- Inspired and Random Acts of Music and Art
- insight into the evolving medium and marketplace for human focus and attention
- Analysis on the intersection of technology, commerce and culture
- Personal history and broader studies on the evolution of musical work, artistic communities, and their impact on society
Proposals and submissions
To propose or submit an article or unpublished work, please send us an email anytime at please include a bit about your background and a brief description of the theme, overall material or energetic effect you’d like to present.
If you have ideas about length or other forms of media, please include that as well- and if you have a preliminary draft, excerpt or outline, that’d be especially helpful.
we’ll make every effort to respond within 5-7 days to review options.
Team Loove Staff